IoT is the stuff of the future, and it’s already on its way to doing the impossible in 2024.
You know, there are more than 15.4 billion active IoT devices connected to the internet today.
This means that you can just say “Hey Alexa” or “Hey Google — Turn on my thermostat” while driving, and you’ll be greeted with a perfect warm temperature when you get home.
And, since the first description of IoT by Kevin Ashton in 1999, it’s not just a dream anymore. We’ve already reached the middle point of our dreams for the future…
Why? You ask….
Well, Artificial intelligence is a thing now, automation is taking over in many industries, and we’ve even got self-driving cars.
Heck, you can even get your food delivered to you with the help of drones.
It’s even possible to get drones to deliver your food now too.
These are all the dreams that have only become possible because of IoT devices fuelling their innovations.
This article will help you explore the world of the Internet of Things, and we’ll also get familiar with some predictions and trends that may influence IoT in 2024.
IoT Platforms are Taking Over
It’s 2024 and many industries have started getting their systems updated. And shifting most of their menial tasks automated and migrated to the Internet. Because of this, there are a ton of IoT platforms and applications popping up everywhere.
Here are some industries that have seen an IoT platform boom:
It has been more than a decade since the concept of E-learning has become a thing.
And now with new technologies like Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in the mix, IoT is taking the concept of teaching and learning to a whole new reality.
With the help of Internet of Things technologies, students are now able to literally immerse themselves in simulated historical or scientific scenarios.
For example, with VR and AR. They can see the exact moment the Dinosaurs went extinct, or when the Declaration of Independence was signed, and heck, they can even experience Neil Armstrong’s first steps on the moon.
It’s not like the field of health is any behind either, with wearable tech has come a long way in helping us track some of the most common healthcare metrics that would otherwise need us to wait weeks to get a lab test done.
For example, you can use a smartwatch or band to keep track of your blood pressure and heart rates, some of these devices can even tell you when your blood sugar is low or if you’re dehydrated or not.
Plus, things like video calling have made it possible to get in touch with a doctor a lot easier, even if you’re living in the middle of nowhere.
The main focus of IoT trends in 2024 will be on using 5G for better speeds and connectivity, artificial intelligence and machine learning to quicken processes, edge computing to reduce server strain, and stronger security and privacy practices.
IoT and Security
It’s 2024 and the past decade has not only seen the rise of the Internet but has also seen a lot in terms of security and privacy breaches happening around the globe.
From Snowden Leaks to the Crackdown on Torrents, all of this happened because somewhere or sometimes little bits of our data were leaked, and unsavory or unwanted people somehow got access to that data.
So, how do we protect our oh-so-precious data and privacy?
It will take a lot of hard work and perseverance and with a little bit of help from technological innovations like blockchain and edge computing, as well as some regulation frameworks, it will become easier to protect ourselves.
And things like hackers and malware will be a thing of the past.
Smart Cities Will Be Everywhere
Well, the dream of having smart cities is not just a dream anymore.
With many cities from around the world investing in IoT technologies to reduce their operational costs and improve the quality of their citizens, we can say that the dream of fully automated robots serving in every home is not that far from our grasp.
Sustainability and Environmental Protection
The world of today is pretty hooked on reducing the carbon footprint and waste and creating a greener planet for ourselves.
Well, we often blame technology for increasing our carbon footprint, but with IoT devices and sensors, it’ll be easy to point out our daily carbon generation patterns.
And, we can also use smart lights that turn off automatically at specific times to save up a lot on our energy consumption.
On a small scale, this might not sound like much, but if you and everyone else around you contribute just a little bit every day with these smart IoT devices, the dream of a high-tech city full of greenery is not that far away.
Top IoT Trends To Look Out For In 2024

So. What’s the Future of Iots Gonna Be Like?
IoT is gonna be a pretty powerful ally for us in the future.
It can help us reduce costs, improve efficiency, connect people, and much more.
It has already helped us see what the future is going to look like. From all the self-driving cars and drones to fully automated and functional serving robots, IoT is like a bag of gifts that just keeps on giving.
With AI and Machine Learning on the rise and many Cybersecurity and Privacy issues being addressed as we speak, we will probably see IoT achieve some pretty great things in 2024.